IT and software translations

NRV Translation Agency places emphasis on permanent progress of its translators. For this reason, the translators regularly gain new experience on the IT field and use the latest translation software such as Trados, Wordfast, Memo Q or Idiom.

IT a software preklady

They are the translation software that stores the individual translations and technical terms to make them usable again in the future. CAT tools serve perfectly for this purpose.

At first, they safe time with a translation and facilitate the work itself in larger projects, where several translators may operate simultaneously

Finally, the software and information technology in today’s world, which is emerging quickly adapt and improve – locate language of the country, which takes into account the cultural and customary aspects. The above mentioned aspects need to be taken into account when doing localization. Our project managers and translators work closely together and watch the real cultural change to be incorporated according to the wishes of the client.

 What languages do we translate? australia-ruka  germany-664894_640  france-664858_640  russia-641554_640 ukraine-643635_640 poland-643760_640  netherlands-674698_640 spain-637843_640

English, German, French, Hungarian, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Dutch, Spanish, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Greek, Portuguese, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Korean, Macedonian, Latin, Hebrew, Romanian, Arabic, Turkish, Slovak, Czech, Armenian, Persian an many moore.

If you need to find out the price of the translation click here.

Do not hesitate and contact us by e-mail.

If you have a question, please contact us by mobile +421 911 917 128

Christiana M.
Christiana M.
Very friendly and flexible. The communication is efficient. I received my requested translated document back very quickly. Would definitely recommend
Zuzana Kačmárová
Zuzana Kačmárová
S prekladom zo SJ do AJ od NRV Translation som bola spokojná a odporúčam ich. Výborná komunikácia, veľká ústretovosť, rýchle dodanie prekladu a bezkonkurenčná cena. Ďakujem veľmi pekne.
Gabriela Polackova
Gabriela Polackova
ĎAKUJEM! Rýchla a profesionálna komunikácia za vynikajúcu cenu ! Určite Vás každému budem odporúčať a vaše služby využijem i v budúcnosti !
Sabína Červeňová
Sabína Červeňová
Veľmi dobrá komunikácia, ústretovosť, pán bol ochotný mi dokonca aj dokumenty naskenovať a počkať kým prídem z práce :).
Viktória Kochtová
Viktória Kochtová
Very good and quick translation
Максим Жигало
Максим Жигало
Дуже рекомендую, зробили все швидко і дешево! 5 балів
Petra Matulova
Petra Matulova
Spokojnosť, rýchle jednanie, flexibilita, maximálna ústretovosť a môžem len odporúčať. A ešte raz veľmi pekne ďakujem
Juraj Bolf
Juraj Bolf
Velmi spokojny; promptne; rychlo a na profesionalnej urovni 👍

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