Marketing Translations

Marketing and advertising aword-cloud-661057_640re nowadays very necessary. The same is true for translation. They must be accurate and, moreover, sensitively translated so that the client abroad understands well what you are trying to say.

Native speaker knows the customs and customary phrases that exactly impress your potential clients. Leave it to us and we take care to keep your selling texts unique.

Advertising and marketing agencies often use by our proofreading, either Slovak or foreign ones. Grammar, style and word order create your image as well; therefore we must not forget the smallest details when creating business and marketing strategies.

What languages do we translate? australia-ruka  germany-664894_640  france-664858_640  russia-641554_640 ukraine-643635_640 poland-643760_640  netherlands-674698_640

English, German, French, Hungarian, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish, Dutch, Spanish, Croatian, Serbian, Slovenian, Greek, Portuguese, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Korean, Macedonian, Latin, Hebrew, Romanian, Arabic, Turkish, Slovak, Czech, Armenian, Persian an many moore.

If you need to find out the price of the translation click here.

Do not hesitate and contact us by e-mail.

 If you have a question, please contact us by mobile +421 911 917 128

Juraj Vargai
Juraj Vargai
Quick, efficient communication and service. Highly recommended.
Marta Khater
Marta Khater
profesionalny, rychly a spolahlivy. Vrelo odporucam.
Silvia Kucerova
Silvia Kucerova
Excellent service, communication and prompt delivery. We will definitely use their services again. 5/5
vladka heck
vladka heck
Môžem len odporúčať,velmi rychle vybavenie,profesionalny pristup a veľmi slušne ceny.
Olena Trufanova
Olena Trufanova
S prístupom tejto agentúry som veľmi spokojná, všetko vybavili rýchlo, kvalitne, bezstarostne, určite sa ešte obrátim.
Svetlana Nelipovitch
Svetlana Nelipovitch
Рекомендуем! Профессиональный, индивидуальный подход. Заказы выполняются быстро за адекватную стоимость
Katka Brendz
Katka Brendz
NRV Translations mozem len odporucat. Profesionalny pristup, rychle jednanie, vybavenie prekladu a dorucenie i do zahranicia. Cely cas som mala prehlad o postupe mojej objednavky a preklady su cenovo dostupne.
Mima Mima
Mima Mima
Super komunikácia a veľmi rýchle vybaveniem . Určite odporúčam
Mirka Mikleticova
Mirka Mikleticova
Rychle vybavenie, profesionalny pristup a dobra cena. Vrelo doporucujem.

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